Looking back at some of my devotionals, I found one I had written on March 23, 2020, exactly one week before Dad entered the hospital. Below is the updated version.
In II kings 3, there’s an obscure story that never makes the cut for Sunday school lesson plans, which is too bad because it had a lot to teach me. God’s people, led by the kings of Israel and Judah, are marching through the desert to attack their long-time enemies. Seven days into the march, they find themselves without water, so the God-fearing king of Judah suggests they ask God’s prophet Elisha what to do. Elisha tells them God’s word—they are to dig ditches in the valley, and God will fill the ditches with water so they can all drink. And here’s the verse I like so much, “This is an easy thing in the eyes of the LORD” (vs. 18). God keeps His word; the next day the valley is filled with sparkling water, more than enough for the men and animals. Refreshed, they defeat their enemies.
Lately, it feels like everything with COVID-19 has brought America into an endless desert. We’ve been walking in the desert for nearly five months now and we have no idea when it will end or what will happen with schools, businesses, or the economy. We’re weary and in desperate need of water to strengthen our worried souls. We’re completely helpless, bitterly reminded that our modern conveniences gave us the illusion of having more control over life than we actually do. We need help!
In those moments we have a choice to make. We can be like the king of Israel who blamed God and complained that God wanted to destroy them. Or we can be like the king of Judah who asked God what to do next. When we come to God and ask Him what we should do, He's pleased with our desire to obey even in the hard times.
I love how God responded to their need—He gave them a job and He promised to do the impossible. They are to dig and He will provide the water. Sometimes when we have a problem God tells us to, “Stand still and see the salvation of the LORD.” Other times He instructs us to pick up our shovel and start digging. Then He works in a way that only He can to bring help and salvation to His people.
So whatever we are facing today as we look at the vast desert surrounding us, God is able. To us, life may be impossible, but God is the One who makes all things possible. Our insurmountable problems are no threat to His greatness or His ability to help His children. He's walking through the desert with us, and we can bring our problems to Him with full confidence that it “is an easy thing in the eyes of the LORD.”